Friday, September 5, 2008

Two Days in a row...what a miracle

Today was much better than yesterday. Yesterday my hemoglobin levels were to low and I required a blood transfusion. This isn't that big of a deal, it basically means that my red blood cells aren't able to carry enough oxygen so my heart has to beat more often to get the blood circulating faster. It was the second transfusion I have had and the biggest problem that I have with them is that they take four hours to complete, with all the blood screening and wait time included the total is about six hours. The other problem I have with them is that I am not real excited about blood sitting on an IV pole watching it go into my body. It is kinda gross. I mean when they initially put the stuff up it is cold but by the time the last bit of blood goes into my body it has warmed up to room temperature. I don't know why but the thought of room temperature blood just hanging out in a bag next to me does not excite me. I'm not one of these people that are afraid of blood but, seriously...this stuff has been outside of someone else's body for who knows how long and now it has been sitting at room temperature for several hours. That just sounds grody to me, and yes I did use the word grody. I don't think second graders should be the only ones that are allowed to use that word.

Right now I am outpatient. I was an inpatient for 11 days in phase 3 then they released me for treatment on an outpatient basis until phase 4 starts. I went into treatment yesterday as an outpatient expecting to get two IV antibiotics which would have taken 2 hours but after getting blood I was required to hang out for nine hours in the outpatient ward, or as I call it "The Nate Day Show." I call it that because it is my chance to entertain the patients and nurses that are there. Today I only had to spend 4 hours there. I had to get a dose of IV antibiotic, and they thought they heard fluid in my lungs so they gave me a chest x-ray. It turns out that the nurse was just hearing things, but I am glad that this hopsital is so precatious. Since I am still neutropenic aka immunocompromised aka I have no immune system, they make sure that I don't get any kind of sickness.

I go to the hospital so much that I have lost that "Oh man, I hate going to hospitals" feeling I used to have. Now it is that "Oh, I don't feel like going to work today" feeling. 'Work' in this case is isn't that bad considering I don't have any homework, I don't work late hours, I don't even have to go in every day. Sure they fill me with weapons grade chemicals, stick me with needles, when I'm at the hospital they make me measure how much I drink and how much I pee to see if that there is an imbalance, and they wake me up every couple of hours, but I've actually had worse jobs in my life. I think getting up at 4am on Sunday mornings to deliver the newspaper was one of the worse jobs I have ever had. I mean who needs their newspapers that early in the morning? Can't people wait until 7am to cut their coupons and read the "funny papers?" Marmiduke isn't going to be any funnier at 4am than he is at 7am.

In order for you guys to understand the reason I even complain about going to the outpatient ward in the first place it that you must remember what I did for a profession before I was sick. The statement I told my doctors and nurses when I started treatment might put it in prospective, "I am a Pilot, therefore I am a prima donna and high maintenance. By that virtue I will complain a lot and I do not handle pain well, so you are going to have to deal with it."

Well that about sums up the last couple of days. I hope you all have a great weekend! Thanks again for reading!

I also wanted to thank all of you that have been able to come out and see me. Here are some pics of those of you who were able to make it out.

Mike Johnsno...aka M-Jack Spectac

Me and Renee Shapiro

Me and LeRon Hudgins

Me and Nick Pizii


Anonymous said...

WHAT No pictures of your sister. That blows.

Colleen said...

Nate! Hi! I saw some bald hospital pictures of you on Facebook and ended up finding your blog and so now I am all caught up on what's been happening! What a crazy couple of months you've had. I'm happy to hear that the treatment(s) have been going pretty well and that you have a good prognosis. I am in Tucson so not too far away so maybe I'll get the chance to see you one day soon. We are expecting baby #2 in about 3 weeks so that's exciting news. I will be sure to share photos and names and all that when it happens. I am praying for you and hope to hear (read) more good news soon. Take care!


Unknown said...

Silly Nathan... so good to hear the treatment is going well. Your blogs make me laugh. Marmaduke's no funnier at 4 am, that made me laugh out loud. Thanks for taking the time to keep your friends not only updated but entertained as well!


Erin said...

NATE DAY!!!! This is the Starks!! I saw a link to your blog on Colleen's blog and we just caught up on your news. Boy you sure have a flair for drama! We are so glad that everything is going well for you and that the chemo seems to be "taking." We are thinking about you and pray that things will continue to look up. Hope to hear more from you soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nate, hang in there! We are thinking of you and praying for your full recovery! Thank you for the updates! We are currently in ABQ, NM, so we may be able to visit soon!

diane, jeremy and little luke:0)

Anonymous said...

Nate! I can't tell you how good it feels to have the opportunity to reconnect with you.

I'd love to catch up when you have time.

God Speed your healing Brother.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are progressing!

-Matt Ray